Natalie defends a movie she loves even though she knows it's terrible.
The list of Rom Coms that I love goes on and on. I will admit that I have a soft spot for the genre. So I figured I would take a break from the terrible action movies that I love, to talk a bit about another rom com that I love. This week we have Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz (yes I have a huge girl crush on Cameron Diaz) going from hate to love in, of course, Vegas. So lets look at why I love this terrible movie!
Why I Love It:
5. The soundtrack is actually not bad. I mean, it's your traditional rom com pop music that has absolutely nothing to do with what's actually going on, but the songs are halfway decent.
4. Like I said before I have a huge girl crush on Cameron Diaz and I think that definitely influences my love for this movie, but I do think that she is hilarious and her and Kutcher have pretty great comedic chemistry.
3. Its actually a pretty funny movie. They definitely put their focus on the humor a little more so than the whole romance angle. Kutcher and Diaz play well off of each other and even the hardest to please with humor will laugh a few times.
2. The ending is pretty cute. At least for a rom com its not TOO disgustingly cute, although it is pretty disgustingly cute.
1. The movie never tries too hard and is always just goofy and unbelievable and fun to watch. It leaves you with a good feeling, but you never have to take it too seriously to enjoy the movie.
5. The soundtrack is actually not bad. I mean, it's your traditional rom com pop music that has absolutely nothing to do with what's actually going on, but the songs are halfway decent.
4. Like I said before I have a huge girl crush on Cameron Diaz and I think that definitely influences my love for this movie, but I do think that she is hilarious and her and Kutcher have pretty great comedic chemistry.
3. Its actually a pretty funny movie. They definitely put their focus on the humor a little more so than the whole romance angle. Kutcher and Diaz play well off of each other and even the hardest to please with humor will laugh a few times.
2. The ending is pretty cute. At least for a rom com its not TOO disgustingly cute, although it is pretty disgustingly cute.
1. The movie never tries too hard and is always just goofy and unbelievable and fun to watch. It leaves you with a good feeling, but you never have to take it too seriously to enjoy the movie.
Why It's Terrible:
5.The movie is pretty flat. The dialogue is flat and doesn`t really offer anything much, besides the typical rom com romance lines. The only reason it is really funny is the actors delivery and not at all the writing.
4.There is a lot of unnecessary plot details that come up, but have no bearing or importance and are never really resolved.
3.Not much of the movie actually takes place in Vegas. There is like 20 minutes at the beginning and the rest is in New York, so they really should have either made more of the movie take place in Vegas or changed the title.
2.The names are stupid. Tipper and Hater are the best friends names. I know that is a trivial detail, but its still stupid.
1.It’s the typical bland common rom com plot. Its boy meets girl, they start to fall in love, they run into some problem that breaks them up for like 10 minutes, and then in some great gesture the boy woos the girl once again and they live happily ever after.
5.The movie is pretty flat. The dialogue is flat and doesn`t really offer anything much, besides the typical rom com romance lines. The only reason it is really funny is the actors delivery and not at all the writing.
4.There is a lot of unnecessary plot details that come up, but have no bearing or importance and are never really resolved.
3.Not much of the movie actually takes place in Vegas. There is like 20 minutes at the beginning and the rest is in New York, so they really should have either made more of the movie take place in Vegas or changed the title.
2.The names are stupid. Tipper and Hater are the best friends names. I know that is a trivial detail, but its still stupid.
1.It’s the typical bland common rom com plot. Its boy meets girl, they start to fall in love, they run into some problem that breaks them up for like 10 minutes, and then in some great gesture the boy woos the girl once again and they live happily ever after.
Overall this movie doesn`t have a lot to offer besides is comedy, but for me that’s enough. Its funny and cute and for me its entertaining!