The Devil (Spawn) | Blarp (Lost In Space) | The Scorpion King (The Mummy Returns) | Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
I've assembled a real murderer's row of awful looking CGI here. First up, we have The Devil in Spawn. They didn't even bother to make his mouth move with the words he was speaking, but maybe the Devil speaks telepathically, who knows? His main problem was, do you remember in Knocked Up when Jonah Hill gets upset that Jay Baruchel shaved his pubes in the toilet, and said his turd looked like a stuffed animal? Yeah, that's apparently the Devil in Spawn's world. Next up is Blarp, the annoying jabbering monkey-thing from Lost in Space. Somehow out-Jar-Jaring Jar Jar Binks before that movie even came out; impressive. Thirdly, the Scorpion King in all his CGI (non-)glory. Even in the distant past when this movie was released, I remember the movie audience collectively cringing when he emerged. It was embarrassing. Lastly, Jar Jar Binks, who's going to win the popular vote just because of how widely he's hated, plus the exposure of multiple movies to grow that hatred. Brutal.
Disclaimer: I know I have way too few readers at this point for the polls to be meaningful, but this is the schedule I want to stick to even after growing a readership base.